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Himalayan Weavers


Visiting Ladakh to Buy Pashmina

Some time ago I visited Changthang region of Ladakh which produces some of the best pashmina in the world. I spent some time in Korzok village which is one of the largest pashmina producing village in Ladakh. Situated at a height of about 5000 meters, the village is winter home to Changpa nomads, who move […]

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Hand-woven woollens by tribes in the Himalayas find a global market

Source : – 30stades Sometime in the early 2000s, when Ghayur Alam was researching biodiversity conservation in Uttarakhand, he saw that many medicinal plants were becoming extinct because locals were recklessly harvesting them without permission and selling them to contractors in Delhi. He thought if there could be ways of providing alternative employment to these

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How we use natural dyes

One of our interests in setting up Himalayan Weavers was to promote the use of natural dyes on wool. As Pat and I did not have any knowledge of or expertise in dyeing, we learnt the basics from the internet. The first lot we dyed was about 2 kilograms of hand spun wool we had

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Women Weavers of Uttarakhand

Two of the few women weavers we met during a visit to Tons valley to understand traditional shawl weaving techniques in tons valley in Uttarakhand. Unlike other parts of Uttarakhand, tons valley (near famous Har-ki-Dun) has a strong tradition of weaving shawls using traditional looms. This is largely because this region has cultural ties with

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