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Himalayan Weavers

How to build a business in the Himalayas

dyeing wool with natural dyes to make shawls

Source :- Rediff

The Alams saw the magical spot while on a drive to the hills.
A few years later they set up home and a small hand woven shawl business, hiring local weavers, using local wool and natural colours made of root, stem and flower.
Rediff.com‘s Archana Masih met them in their home overlooking the Himalayas and got a lesson in dyeing.

Alam and Makhan coloring wool with vegetable colors

Patricia and Dr Ghayur Alam live in a dream location. Their cosy home looks upon the Himalayas; the green bench in the garden has a beautiful view of the mountains; and their closest neighbour lives on the hill in the distance. It is one of those rare days when the snow-capped Himalayas can be seen clearly. The white peaks sparkle gloriously in the morning sun, rising up above the wired fence of the home. Three dogs snooze at the entrance.

“It’s cleaner and fresh and nice to hear people say what a lovely place you have,” says Dr Alam, formerly an economist-researcher at the National Council of Applied Economic Research.

He and his wife Patricia, along with Makkhan, the assistant, left Delhi a few years ago to start a small organic dyeing-weaving shawl business in a tiny village in Uttarakhand.

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